Smartlead reporting made easy

Create customized and on-brand dashboards in minutes.

Get started for free
(No credit card required)


Easy integration

Automated insights

Connect your account, and we’ll automatically track your email performance—syncing your contacts, sequences, and templates to deliver daily insights on opens, replies, deliveries, and more.
Daily sync
Everyday we sync your sequences, templates, engagement statistics and contacts.
Unify fields
Sync and merge custom fields unifying names like 'personalized snippet' and 'custom_snip_1' into 'personalized_snippet'.
Custom field support
Design custom fields with types like URL, email, or number—automatically validated and cleaned for you.


Easy-to-use dashboard builder

Build what you want

Build, filter and customize every aspect of your dashboard.
Custom palettes
Create dashboards in your own brand colors.
Clone your dashboard in a single click to have reporting done in seconds.
Filter your dashboard for selected sequences so clients only see what is theirs.
Create scorecards, tables, line charts, bar charts and donut charts from your Smartlead data.
Don't start from a blank slate and tweak from an existing template to be done in record time.


Public links make sharing a dashboard easy.

Embed, and share anywhere.

No login is required, simply send a link and let your clients filter and see all the work you have done.
Anytime new data is added your dashboards are automatically updated as well.
Embed and share anywhere.
Copy the public link to share your dashboard whenever you need it.
Dashboard demo
No data science or coding skills needed.
Free yourself of reporting today
Demonstrate ROI to your clients
Create up to 3 dashboards.
Start free trial
Create up to 10 dashboards.
Start free trial
We want to make reporting easy.
You probably spend too much time in spreadsheet software creating dashboards or are simply looking for more out of your Smartlead data.
We took the time and did the hard work of turning your Smartlead data into actionable and reportable metrics so that you and your clients know how your sequences are performing week over week and month over month. We hope this gives you the control you seek to confidently launch winning sequences.
Give it a try , and let us know what you think.